Water, Waste Oil Treatment

Velocity Chemicals has a proven record in the manufacture of demulsifiers in the treatment of used oil, boasting a product line that can handle practically every type of emulsion in this field. Our demulsifiers are specially formulated using wetting agents, surface active compounds, and other additives to ensure the most effective waste oil treatment is always available.
And because of our in-house expertise as manufacturers, we can always develop a ‘tailor made’ chemical solution. Simply contact us to discuss what product is best for you, and how to safely use them.BUNKER BREAKER II

Product Summary
BUNKER BREAKER II is a highly-effective demulsifier for removing water from bunker oil waste, but it can also be used for demulsifying water from slop oil/lube oil/crankcase oil waste. BUNKER BREAKER II is already being used by major waste oil treatment companies to reclaim oil for recycling into reusable bunker fuel oil, etc.

Product Summary
EZ-DMULSE is a highly effective multi-purpose low-high temp demulsifier for removing water from slop oil/lube oil/crankcase oil/bunker waste. EZ-DMULSE is already being used by major waste oil treatment companies to reclaim oil for recycling into reusable bunker fuel oil, etc

Product Summary
HYDROGEN PEROXIDE is a very effective, highly concentrated oxygenated bleach additive for disinfection and odor control for treating polluted water. It is used for treating polluted water containing organic contaminates and waterborne pathogens, etc. HYDROGEN PEROXIDE is used in conjunction with other water treatment products such as coagulants, flocculants and others to give good clarity to water in the treatment process.

Product Summary
INDUSTRIAL BLEACH is a very effective, highly concentrated chlorinated bleach additive for disinfection and odour control for treating polluted water. It is used for treating polluted water containing organic contaminates and waterborne pathogens, etc. INDUSTRIAL BLEACH is used in conjunction with other water treatment products such as coagulants, flocculants and others to give good clarity to water in the treatment process.

Product Summary
PAC-D is a very effective coagulant additive for treating wastewater. It is used for treating wastewater containing suspended solids and dissolved solids that may be soaps, emulsified grease and oil, heavy metals, etc. PAC-D is used in conjunction with other wastewater treatment products such as pH FALL, pH RISE and others to give good clarity and separation to wastewater in the treatment process.

Product Summary
RENEGADE is a highly-effective demulsifier that dramatically simplifies the processing of Drilling Mud waste streams. Used at low temperatures and in low concentrations, it separates the homogeneous mix of oil, water and solids, allowing for the simpler removal of oil for recycling and the settling out of solids for more efficient waste-water treatment.